Tonight had a delicious event with a secret blog reader. He described his secret delight at sneaking to My blog page, catching up on what, of late, catches My fancy.
He's got a crush on a powerful woman at work, a lady with a bit of a reputation. Of course nothing concrete, nothing confirmed. Something about dating a divorcing fella, and that distracting confidence, infusing her stance.
We weaved our combined tête-à-tête, while I lead him into a shared dance with this vixen. I became her, I let him in, doing his duty, in My office, My desk. And finally yes, crested the tension, boldly of course. I grabbed what is Mine, that distracting erection hiding in slacks, and told him exactly what he'd do for Me.
I told him to get over to My windows, and pull open the strings of Venetian blind. Corner office, overlooking the view. Mountains, fields, a small airport in distance. And now he's in the view too, at least from the street. Him, and his soon to be naked flesh…
There's more to be told. And you know where to find it…