Mistress has been doing a bit of research on the court of Henry VIII, and rather enjoying the ride! As some of you know, I'm a cinema buff, and gain MUCH satisfaction from well made movies, series and the like. "The Tudors" from Showtime channel is a recent find.
The cast is stupendous, and if you've noticed, Anne Boleyn, played by Natalie Dormer, is a pitch perfect cast choice! There is so much circling out in the ether, fact mixed with myth, that sometimes it's hard to sort through the mix of who WAS this Boleyn girl. The original Anne Boleyn strikes Me as a perfect sensual Domme, someone I can learn much from studying. Other than that unfortunate ousting with axe to neck, of course.
An old friend of Mine, with a knack for knowledge (and a Bachelors in European Renaissance History) recently sent me the book, "The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn" (author Retha M. Warnicke, Cambridge press). Getting it started was a tad tedious, as the scholarly books tend to be, yet digging around one finds the gems.
Ms. Boleyn is one of those mythic beauties, in league with Helen of Troy, or Cleopatra. Women who were so longed for by powerful men, that their very existence changed history.
It's not every day a woman comes around that inspires an entire nation to oust the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. No small task, indeed!
There are so many mysteries to be had, shrouded in dark and light. I get this much closer to My own strength, by studying women who've walked their path, before I meandered along. Somehow, it deepens the texture of a spirit.