Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday fun

Today's 4 mile run was particularly brutal - high winds and blustery rain off and on. Mistress always feels twice as tired when running in bad weather - all that clenching up you have to do just get through it!

A long hot shower and a little food later, and I'm feeling positively sublime. After a few chats with my minions this evening, I predict a long, languid bath also. I need to get a few lavendar scented bath oils. Have been craving amber and lavendar scents lately.

One of my long time regulars has decided that even though he previously had just a few perversions (you know, short penis humiliation, forced intoxication), he's decided to take the plunge and wear a set of big girl panties to the office! I've been trying to get his measurements these past few sessions, yet this little slave ends up getting a bit toasted a bit too quick. Finally got his hip measurements, and we'll be going to the big girl section for his little ass! hehe