Ah... Mistress writes you from a very tired and satisfied body. Tonight I bellydanced with a few grrlfriends, and it was a blast! So many beautiful women of all shapes and sizes. Some dressed in more ethic colors and jewelry, earth tones, silver bells, while others had flashy cabaret style sequins, zils, and sparkly veils. These get togethers, where us grrlfriends dance together, share moves, costumes, music, are so very healing for Me.
After I came home, I felt the need to dance a bit, alone. Lit 4 large white candles, placed them in each of the 4 directions. Said a few Native American and Wiccan prayers. I closed my eyes, and let spirit and soul spring from deep within, and let this force move Me. Eyes closed, trusting My body not to fall, trusting spirit to lead.
Intense spiritual experiences can form while dancing, for hours, whether in drum circles, on stage bellydancing, or deep in a club surrounded by dozens of sweating writhing bodies. Something else... that primal animal within takes front and center.
It's the same force that takes me into places of Domination. Especially when My slaves stretch their neck wide, splay their vulnerable bits open, for the likes of Me to control. The trust you give to Me while we session is a privilege and an honor. I take bits of you with Me from each experience, and am thankful for the ripe flesh you submit to My calm palm with trust.