Last night was a doozy for talking to perverted boys JUST like you – 6 hours on the horn, and My voice was rough after all that! Turned off the phones and slept very very well. Still light outside just now. I'm getting used to this daylight extending. Anticipating the warmth of summer...
Which brings Me to My main task today. I'm putting out a challenge to My slaves this evening. I want to firm it up by the time May 2009 gets here, and need your help along the way.

I've added 5 items to the tip top of My Amazon wishlist. These little snacks are what I consume when I'm widdling down and firming up. I had so much success with My last little blog challenge (and the movie was 9 to 5, by the way), that I thought I'd try another.
Any slave who is generous enough to gift Me with the top listed fitness food items on My wishlist, will receive a special treat from Mistress. I'll share the details personally, and you're welcome to inquire before doing so. I like a little mystery when it comes to tantalizing boys like you!
A little tease here and there keeps intrigue alive, n'est pas?
Call Mistress soon! I'm relaxing tonight and a little slice of you may be just what I need...