Mistress is feeling sad today… aww!
Her beloved car, which she's had many years, coughed and passed out this past weekend while I was running errands. This little sweetie has been such a trouper, and I've owned it since it was new! Kept up on my maintenances, been going to the same dealership I bought it from, for 10 years even!
Turns out the repair of course is something very difficult for anyone but the dealership to fix (the central computer), which in addition to it's major maintenance? If I walk out the door without giving them $1000, I'll be lucky!
Thing is, with sweet generous slaves like you, I can plan for these things if necessary, If I know they're coming, but when they surprise you, as life often does, well I tend to pout.
* Mistress pouts *
I considered asking the dealership if they had gift cards that could be anonymously purchased (oh, perhaps from a slave?), but then thought, ah we all need a few degrees of separation, with our personal privacy. Tempting thought though!!
If any of you generous little men want to contribute to the car fund, feel free to use the bright tribute buttons on My Niteflirt page. You can also email Me for more details about the engine debacle, if are so inclined!
Shout out to slave kenneth – who's been a very generous and devoted zombie boy this past week! Keep eating those Bismarck's and thinking of Me! hehe