Wednesday arrives, and I'm getting my day together. The air is getting chilly out there, so unfair when a girl wants to lay in her back yard and work on her tan.... *sob*
Interval training this afternoon, and then maybe a jaunt out. I have a friend who's been trying to get me to Karaoke for weeks now, I'm thinking of surprising her with a drop in at her local haunt. Some of the boys and girls who sing there are... well quite expressive in the least. Don't we all need to hear "The Rose" sung off key, at least annually? hahah
I've been trying to tone things up lately, as I feel like such a beast when I'm firm! Makes me feel like a panther, some kind of wild animal, when I get done with a good run, or an intense workout.
Maybe next time I do step aerobics, I'll use YOU as my step? hahah!