Spooky little boys and girls, dressed up in naughty little clothes for Halloween. You know the thing about Hallows Eve? It just gives permission for chicks to dress up like whores. We all know it!!
Even the girls with junk in their trunk! hehe. I know you're out there little sissies boys, just waiting for the one day a year, you get to dress up like a woman, when no one will blink an eye, to watch you strut in fishnet stockings!
Had a few high maintenance slaves this week, although they were so enjoyable, it hardly seemed like work! Sam I am gave me a call Friday morning, and boy did we talk and talk! He even bought me a porn membership to a site, so we could watch XXX rated videos while he, well, you get the picture. I prefer diamonds and nice shoes, but hey, this is a start! hehe
Jester boy spent a few good hours with me, contemplating his navel, and mine, I think! Love the smart ones....
I could seriously use a hot bath right about now. Toodles!