October is barely a breath away from ending, and there's a chill in the air. All the spooky sissies will be out, tour de force, this evening!! Slither up those panties and say ahhhh!
I've had some lovely little morsels this past week, to help me pass the time. Little Jeff, all 6'7" of him, is a married boy with a secret life... He's a flaming sissy girl who just LOVES wearing seductive girly panties! He wins the WIDEST GAP AWARD (ahem) in regards to his vanilla voice and sissy voice. As soon as toys start hiding in crevices? We've got a soprano squeal doing a convincing car alarm! Hold on tight when THIS little chickita starts rocking!! In the vanilla world this big boy growls a Barry White voice.
Just goes to show - you never REALLY know who's hiding under the cover. Although I must say, I can sniff out sissies with the best of bloodhounds!