What inspires my pets to their different diversions, seems a mixed and sundry lot.
Take for example the Irish bloke who's dabbling in financial domination this past week. He called all a twitter, experimenting with the "raise the rate" game. You've heard of this twist on financial domination? Call your Niteflirt babe of choice at her basic rate, then be seduced while your goddess increases the rate higher, and higher... when all was said and done, this particular Irish boy was paying $10/minute, just for the pleasure!
There's also the forced intoxication line of perversion, where boys call me to be told what, and how much, to imbibe. I've spent hours this past week with a little one named "Katie", who just LOVES taking in so very many things... *ahem!!
And some simply call for fascinating conversation about very many things, without the sexual component. I have a faithful boy along this line, who brings a smile to my face, my jester sweety. Another reason I very much love my work!