My secret place of depravity and joy, Dominance, submission, and so many things, just for you! BDSM, tease and denial, with Mistress Lily forcing you into so many things...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Heat, nudity, rhythm
Christmas is just a day or two shy here, and I'm remarkably low key about the whole thing. Some years I travel, go all out with the gifts. I do tend to buy My gifts for others over time, and by the time Christmas arrives, I've got 90% of the shopping done. I credit it to My shopping fairies! I've been gifted with powerful intuition at times, and will be out running errands, when I'll occasionally get a strong, "get this for Jane" … vibe. Intuition can be a powerful force, and lead you to places logic may not travel.
Predicting the future can be a bit tricky, and sometimes you're surprised by the outcome. One slave I'd grown rather fond of, who loved chatting with Me daily, and sessioning weekly, up and ended the connection due to a petty little preference this past week. Took this Mistress by surprise! And then to counter balance? Two slaves who had been sniffing around Me, and I'd assume were time wasters…. Ended up contributing nicely to My wallet this past week.
And we're back to the theme of unpredictability and the change of seasons, as well as the change of submissive and slave desires. As a Mistress I do control many things. I also have a healthy respect for that which is out of My domain.
It's all about getting what we want in the mix, hm?
Merriest holidays to My sweet good boys (and harlot whores!). I'm sending a virtual lump of coal to the turdlets out there who've made themselves known this past week. Although knowing their kinky little minds, they'll probably get off on that! Haha!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Storms, chills, and naked furry boys
There's a storm moving in tonight, and it's so very chilly outside. Already been snowing and the winds blow so fierce! I've been thinking my back deck might be the very best place to make a naked little slave shiver just a bit, before bringing him in. Then I'm thinking yes, I'd make him blow something else, so very fierce? *giggle
Been rewatching Rome on DVD (thank you for the whole set, slave!) and enjoying the hell out of it. So hot, brutal, and dead sexy….
I've been playing with a boy across the pond this week. He likes his money drained at higher and oh so much higher rates! Last time I doubled the fee, and watched on webcam while he stripped his bits bare and made his monster do it's duty… He was a furry little one!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Back from the feast, little beast
Seattle is such an amazing city. So many people, places, wildness and oy the traffic. Could do without that last one. I’ve been considering relocating, and Seattle definitely has the resources for a Grrl like Myself to find little ones to play with, torment and the like. Makes Me consider setting up real time sessions with slavelettes. Although I’d need a bull or two to keep things in order. Hm… *starts dreaming of making the best dungeon in the land….
I’m sending out warmth to My little ones out there. A few boys have chimed in today, one was looking for Me so ardently all weekend long (even after reading on My blog I’d be gone for many days!). Sometimes when the craving hits, its so hard to shake. Obsession settles in. We all know about that dance. Craving, pacing, wanting something so very much that all else melts into background.
He’ll be sated, this evening perhaps. Although this particular little one has been bad in the past. Making him wait, suits Me.
You’re invited to My cave when time permits. Bring respect, honesty, and your money. We’ll sort the rest! *giggle
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving on the road...
I'm extremely excited to be spending Thanksgiving with my very best friend. Will have a bit of a drive ahead but very much worth it! Her birthday is this weekend, and we're getting pedicures! I'd love one of My boys to step up and pay for us both. I love making you pay for others to touch Me. Massages, pedicures, hair styling....
If you want to contribute to said pedicure and birthday goodness, tribute buttons on My Niteflirt page work wonders!
Took a few aussie boys for a few hundred this past week. Had a New Zealand boy totally flake - one of those drive by binge boys. *yawn. He gave his chunk of flesh, although has been messy cleaning things up afterwards. Needs to take My photo down on his profile at one site we frequent. He presented so sincerely, with such desire for commitment and long term permanent slavery... Just goes to show, time tells intention. As does action....
There's a slim chance I might be available for Niteflirt calls while on the road this weekend- will be taking my laptop with Me, and might borrow a local cell phone up there. If so, be ready to pay for this grrls time :) Might be a thrill, talking to you from my best friends bedroom...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Busy little weekend
Sunday is looking stronger for free time with subs like you. Maybe I’ll share with you what I’ve been up to all weekend long. I have to admit, my living room is presently covered with Amazon boxes. Thinking I might have to steer slaves towards other gifting sources… hmmMMMmm…
Keep it kinky, we’ll be chatting soon I’m sure!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Good slaves, bad slaves, and bloodsucking
My only small consolation... I carved a SWEET chunk out of his wallet. He'll be paying on THAT credit card bill for a bit, hm? *giggle
A new slave, "bob" from NZ, has been making Me smile quite pretty. He donates as much as he can afford, and while not as much as some of My other dedicated little ones? He's such a sweet heart! Lustful too that one. Might be a lack of getting laid in his own home country. Thinking of when I'll let this boy release with Me... and how much pomp and circumstance to involve!? heheh! I have to admit, little bob is sweet, intelligent, and quite fetching. The kind of slave I'm proud to keep in My stable!
Just bought a bevy of Christmas gift with a few gift certs from Want to make sure they arrive on time! Ooh and is anyone else excited about the premiere of Twilight, the movie? I'll be seeing it this week to be sure!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Drizzle, the gift of property, and new pets
I'm feeling a bit somber and quiet just now. This weekend though, it has brought Me a few new toys to play with.
A man from New Zealand has been spending time with Me online, and he's quite a delight. Typical married man, zest is gone, and the yearning for submission has been lingering for many years. He'll be a handful this one, let's call him "bob". Witty, smart, and I just know when I hear his voice this week, that kiwi accent will make Me smile with much satisfaction!
Thanksgiving is near, here in the states. I always feel such a mix friends who study native american, old ways. Perhaps a sweat lodge and many prayers to the earth, and the many of us who live here.
I'm considering moving! Thinking of getting a rich slave to buy Me a home, sign the title over to Me, then setting up an outdoor pool house or shed for him to sleep in, while I keep him as a pet. Interested parties, feel free to drop Me an email. Sugar Daddy, converted into financially dominated pet. Nice!
Mistress is a little sleepy - until we next chat!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Perverted girls that bend over boys...
I have a slave that loves trying new things (let's call him bob), which sometimes include him calling Me under an assumed name, and pretending he's someone else (his voice is pretty familiar sounding, gives it away!)
This week, a woman called Me for a sweet little perverted wank session. It's a rare treat when a girl calls (I've had maybe 3 call over the past 2 years), and I was all a twitter! *giggle
She, of course, was quite the pervert. Turns out this filly gets way turned on when she thinks of fucking a boy with a strap on. Actually most of the role play we did on the phone? Was Me describing what it feels like, bending a boy over, and sliding My thick shaft inside his tight little puss!
This Grrl got so hot she came like you wouldn't believe! And guess what? After all was said and done, we said our wistful goodbyes... and when I checked My transaction history? She called using bob's account!!!
I of course, hopped on yahoo messenger, and teased the fuck out of bob. Which of course, he took with a grin. I like it when they keep it interesting!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Music, men and worship
I've been enjoying the band Dead Can Dance lately, am actually grooving to them right now. Makes me want to get up and shake My money maker!
This past week, I'm not sure WHAT'S in the air, but men have been circling me like busy bees. I'll be enjoying a glass of wine, listening to some mellow live music at a restaurant, and get approached. Was getting groceries recently, very early (when most normal folk are sleeping soundly) and had a very cute grocery stocking boy ask Me on a date. He's awfully cute, and looks very trainable! *giggle
I suppose I understand the desire to worship at the feet of a Goddess. I suppose at some point we all feel the urge to humble ourselves to another, in kindness, humility. I rarely feel this urge for men though. It feels second nature, that men should be kneeling for Me.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Ass over tea kettle?

Now, I’m getting a little coffee and a protein bar as I'm waking up. All the normal people, at least in my part of the world, are asleep. I guess the vampires and Mistresses take the night shift hm?
The sweetest boy from Switzerland approached Me recently, as he was so very hungry for a bit of abuse! We had to work through the technical glitches, and actually had a session via computer and microphone. It went very well! We met at a website that has a fabulous chat room, and I hang out there a few times a week. Contact Me if you'd like to know more...
This sweet little Swiss boy, was eager and very willing to follow My whims. He was a cock and ball torture - CBT - enthusiast. Mistress LOVES those boys... We started simply enough, a few cloth pins to the nipples. Oh - then a few to the balls. Oh wait, better yet, how about we hang a tea kettle from your balls and fill it with more and more water? This is getting good!!!
By the time he was set to blow his whistle, We'd fashioned a compass out of the head of his penis, by pinching 4 clothing pins in each of the 4 directions! Still swinging that tea kettle full of water, and just as he was whimpering, getting SO close - I made him take off the nipple clamps (we all know while it hurts to put them on, the REAL pain comes when you take them off!!). Then, he was forced to dump his load in the tea kettle, all while uttering, "Everything I have is yours Mistress Lily!!!"
And of course, the little one was forced to drink the tea water. Now what is that subtle aftertaste. Jasmine? Hibiscus? Actually I believe it is JISM!!
... all I can say is, I LOVE My job!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Spirit, body, dance, trance

Ah... Mistress writes you from a very tired and satisfied body. Tonight I bellydanced with a few grrlfriends, and it was a blast! So many beautiful women of all shapes and sizes. Some dressed in more ethic colors and jewelry, earth tones, silver bells, while others had flashy cabaret style sequins, zils, and sparkly veils. These get togethers, where us grrlfriends dance together, share moves, costumes, music, are so very healing for Me.
After I came home, I felt the need to dance a bit, alone. Lit 4 large white candles, placed them in each of the 4 directions. Said a few Native American and Wiccan prayers. I closed my eyes, and let spirit and soul spring from deep within, and let this force move Me. Eyes closed, trusting My body not to fall, trusting spirit to lead.
Intense spiritual experiences can form while dancing, for hours, whether in drum circles, on stage bellydancing, or deep in a club surrounded by dozens of sweating writhing bodies. Something else... that primal animal within takes front and center.
It's the same force that takes me into places of Domination. Especially when My slaves stretch their neck wide, splay their vulnerable bits open, for the likes of Me to control. The trust you give to Me while we session is a privilege and an honor. I take bits of you with Me from each experience, and am thankful for the ripe flesh you submit to My calm palm with trust.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My love affair with the series Deadwood from HBO continues. Each actress/actor in this series is gifted, and spot on with delivery of dialogue from series creator David Milch. The language is almost Shakespearean in delivery and rhythm.
The phrase that struck home with Me this past week, while watching the series yet again (a super slave bought me the entire series on DVD - thanks tommyboy), was what Al Swearengen called a "specialist".
We dirty girls and boys would call the same person a fetishist, at least in modern times. "Yeah. Strange, huh, ... but – something ya gotta know about specialists – they pay a premium, and they never cause fuckin’ trouble. Sometimes I imagine in my declining years runnin’ a small joint in Manchester, England, catering to specialists exclusive. And to let ‘em know they’re amongst their own, maybe I’ll operate from the corner, hanging upside down like a fuckin’ bat, hmm?." Al Swearengen
Personally, I'd rather see Al dressed in petticoats and garter belts, but perhaps that is my own little specialist's mind set! *giggle
Drop me a note of what you'd love to see Al Swearengen wearing while seeing to perverts like us!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Dirty c*cksuckers in Deadwood!
I have the feeling Al is a submissive in disguise. So many subs hide their preference in the ultra macho exterior life, don’t they? The pilots, the CEOs that call, live their lives in high pressure and a life of making decisions for others. And when they crawl to my phone line, and kneel for me patiently… another itch is scratched….
A few times a week, I’ll visit a chat room or two where submissives and Dommes meet for scratch and sniff. Email me and let me know if you’ve a favorite den of debauchery you like to linger in, online.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ipod fuckfest
Taken a casual stroll, either in a crowded coffee shop, or down a country road where people get fresh air, take their dogs for a walk. You fill up your ipod FULL of mp3s that are just naughty as hell - NIN - Closer (I wanna f*ck you like an animal...), maybe Pussycat Dolls (Don't you wish your grrlfriend was HOT like me...)...
You let your mind wander to all the people in your life that you want to rip the clothes off of, climb on 'em like a warrior would, and fuck the living hell out of! Damn, the nasty things I do in the recesses of my mind. For some reason it feels THAT much kinkier when I'm sitting next to Joe Shmoe, or Jane Doe at the bakery, eating my little slice of heaven with a strong cup of coffee.
And the images flickering in my mind, are fingers sliding round the hardness of his shaft, or the hair I'm pulling at the back of his neck. Sometimes I have the dirtiest fantasies of fucking someone over the counter where they work. Right next to the cash register! For all to see - the beast with two backs, that just couldn't wait a moment longer!
Tell me your dirty secret, maybe I'll show you mine!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Milking til dry
Next bumped him to $9.99/minute, and grrl lemMe tell ya - did he start whimpering! I could just FEEL the level of his excitement and anticipation elevate! We chatted a bit here and there, while I giggled and enjoyed every little minute of emptying this boy's sweet neverending wallet -
Next I ratchet it up to $13.99... then $19.99 a minute! Each time I'm milking several minutes, out of this increment and that... this tiny loser boy ends up paying $25/minute! I didn't even let him cum with Me! hehe.
Mistress is smiling!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pussycats and Pedicures
This week My pedicure color is hot pink, like bubble gum, and I’ve caught My self just looking at how luscious they look. Found these little flower leis you can wear around your ankles? Seems to make My feet look that much sexier! Kind of like the hula grrls in Hawaii…
Also bought a few pairs of sandals with bright beads and sexy slings. Definitely sends the boys for a second glance! Hehe! Went dancing with a few grrlfriends this weekend, and cut up the dance floor. There always seems to be at least ONE slutty girl in the group who goes rubbing her ass on anything that moves (and no, it wasn’t Me… this time! Haha)! This particular club came complete with a stripper pole. I’d venture up on it once in awhile. Noticed the other grrls and boys would hoot and holler, but I never did give them a clear glance at My naughty bits! Best to be enticing in dark places like this…
Lately the music that’s been making me practice my bellydance moves has been Poe, and the Pussycat Dolls. “Dontcha wish your girlfriend was HOT like Me…” Damn, that lead singer could make this Grrl do dirty things!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Crotch Rocket
There's something about motorcycles that is just too fucking sexy for words... I have to admit, when I look back at the lovers I've chosen, a majority of them either had *very* nice motorcycles (BMW, Goldwing, big ole Harly's), or were more the sporty types, with titanium racing cycles. Must be something about that forward motion that gets a Girl going!
Remind me to tell you about a few recent toys I've purchased!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
$1.99 Vacation Special!
Act quickly, this special only lasts for, well, as long as I feel like! *giggle
You can take advantage (or be taken advantage OF! hehe) by calling Niteflirt at 1-800-TO-FLIRT, and any of these 4 extensions:
I'm so looking forward to your submissive gasps and moans -
Mistress Lily
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sunburn flesh
I dug My toes in the sand for vacation recently, and had such a wonderful time! Love blowing my slave's hard earned dough on My own edification! Recently bought a few toys for Mistress' privacy, but that is for another time... (of course, on your dime, eh? hehe!)
Sun is rising, and this vampire Grrl is considering sleep. Maybe a good bath before I slumber..
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pedicures and secret scents...
I've been working a bit on My tan because I just love the way a little bronze will wake things up. Makes Me feel so... sexy when My skin is just a bit warmer looking! Was having a blast with friends this weekend, went to karaoke for a few good laughs. Damn, there are some stanky ass singers out there! As long as they're having fun I suppose. I'm intrigued by the conviction that some will have, as they get up on stage, sing their hearts out, even if singing on key is a distant memory ...
Just a note or two (dare I say a pun?) on choosing an appropriate song to sing at karaoke. People bomb so easily choosing a song that is either difficult to sing, or with a somber mood to it. You can never go wrong with a pop 80s tune. A few people actually got up and sang, "Afternoon Delight" while we were there. Probably inspired by that recent Anchorman movie with Will Farrell. Loved that scene at the end of the movie where everyone was running around with streamers and green fields, singing Afternoon Delight!!! hahah
Lately I've been toying with essential oils for a little scent when I'm out around town. I've been craving a little amber scented oil. Lately lavendar and grapefruit have been two favorites. Oh and had a wonderful deluxe pedicure yesterday, and My feet feel so smooth and sexy!! I'm logged in tonight, although the evening of the July 4th, I'll be out on the prowl with a few friends... I might sneak in for some phone time with subbies... kisses!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunshine and warm flesh
Just love getting that fresh air and seeing so many lovelies out in their sun dresses. There are some very sweet pretty little women in this city. A few I'd just love to take a nibble of. Or perhaps a nipple? *giggle
I'll be logged into night on Alerts if you want to catch me - I tend to do that when I'm in the mood to talk with regular clients rather than opening up the cattle call for new ones too.... Kisses and ass slaps!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Friday fun
A long hot shower and a little food later, and I'm feeling positively sublime. After a few chats with my minions this evening, I predict a long, languid bath also. I need to get a few lavendar scented bath oils. Have been craving amber and lavendar scents lately.
One of my long time regulars has decided that even though he previously had just a few perversions (you know, short penis humiliation, forced intoxication), he's decided to take the plunge and wear a set of big girl panties to the office! I've been trying to get his measurements these past few sessions, yet this little slave ends up getting a bit toasted a bit too quick. Finally got his hip measurements, and we'll be going to the big girl section for his little ass! hehe
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Love and Flowers
Went to a few local shops today and enjoyed the weather. Looked at beautiful rose bushes with a fellow gardener, and did smell a rich faint rose with so many petals. This friend of mine is a rose enthusiast, has dozens of bushes in her back lot (ahem!).
I read a post from a psychic this weekend, mentioning the New Moon is the best time to say prayers for new love. She suggested setting up an altar, facing the East, with roses, candles and perhaps a bit of lavender. Envision pink (like sissy panties) expanding, filling your veins, surrounding you in love and the freshness of new skin.
I may get to this task this morning, just before dawn. Even Mistresses need a little love, n’est pas?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Art undone
Schnabel has directed 3 films thus far, the later being Before Night Falls, and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I've been impressed, and curiously got to digging around the internet, wondering what other Schnabel stones are left unturned. Through this, Basquiat found it's way into my little home.
The cast was enough to convince a girl - Benicio Del Toro, David Bowie, Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken, Willem Dafoe, and Courtney Love. Talk about condensed... with that much charisma and skill in one flick, you'll get your money's worth. Jeffery Wright plays the lead character of Jean-Michel Basquiat. His skin is quirky, mood is introverted and slightly twitchy. Believable. Has an artist's affect down pat.
Art films can lean towards tedious, exercises in form over substance. If you've ever ventured a gallery show, or foreign film, maybe dabbled in cultural experiments out of curiosity or sheer boredom with your own predictable life... Sometimes the experiments work.
My favorite thing about this flick is the Wright's portrayal of Basquiat. Spending time with an artist, can cause us normal types deep awe and frustration. I'm reminded of Ed Harris as Pollock. You can see, feel the greatness in this person. Their social awkwardness and borderline autism make sense, because they see things we can't. Seems the price paid many times for walking the edge of sanity. You have to be this close to falling off the edge, to bring forth those voices. Tori Amos has said each song she writes, has it's own identity, outside of her. She's just the channel giving it wings.
I'd recommend this film on a few levels. There's alot of great acting. David Bowie as Worhol is spot on. You also get the feel we're viewing this high art world from someone who knows it intimately (Schnabel), and feels a sense of repulsion and attraction to it. Money and fame, yet shallow and utterly ridiculous in the same breath.
Not a touchy feely film, or one that you'll understand half the time. Sometimes the point is feeling discomfort, or not knowing. I'm glad we got acquainted, this Basquait film and I. Not a place I'd live, but definitely a place I'd visit.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Panty Alerts!
Usually when I take a break from my Niteflirt Mistress phone line (for lunch, sleep, etc), I'll log completely out of Niteflirt, then log back in completely upon my return. You're used to that, yes? The little "CALL NOW" or "AWAY ARRANGE A CALL" buttons, we all know those!
Mistress figured it was time to catch up with the 21st century, and *now* I'm going to start using the "Alert me of Calls" option.
What does this mean?
It means if I'm just about finished with a snack, and you happen to call, I can talk with you, even if I'm not right at the phone! It essentially gives me the option of saying, "We know you're busy, although can you take the call now anyway?"
The Alerts On button just gives me a chance to chat with you if I'm in the middle of something, and can break away, without having my Ratings affected. See, if a Niteflirt speaker leaves her status at "CALL NOW" and she turns down a call, Niteflirt says, tsk tsk, and deducts 2 rating points.

ANYHOO - if you see this -->
Feel free to click on the button and call! Would hate to miss my little slavelettes when they need me. Granted, Mistress does have a social life! hehe
The weekend has been wonderful so far. Was just thinking about a pair of panties that went out this week to a slave of mine. Was his birthday after all! He said the perfume was intoxicating... And since the post office can be very strict about such things, it was only the perfume bought from a shop up north. I'm thinking about making him wear the pink thong undies to work, although he said they were a bit too small for him. Not sure why that would be a deterrent... I mean a snug fit can be good yes? hehe.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tonight seems to be sissy night. Maybe it's the full moon Sunday rustling up the wild ones! So far tonight bois in beige panties, and a pink thong, have just been itching to talk to Me all about their fantasies.
My neck is a little tight this evening, and I could use warm soothing hands giving me a slow massage. My next masseuse appointment is another week or two away. Might need a slave to take care of a few tight muscles...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Resonant Perspective
I remember reading a quote from artist Diego Rivera, about artist and wife Frida Kahlo, (and I paraphrase), "Frida's imperfections only amplify her beauty." On that theme, a client shared a Goya quote with me this morning, along the lines of, "That which is ugly, can be beautiful. That which is pretty, never."
In My line of work, I am many times asked to see things from a different angle or perspective. Clients come to Me yearning to give voice to incredible urges they've buried deep within them, far from prying eyes of those who might disapprove. The tall muscular contractor working in Iraq, considered a stud by many women... likes to call Me with his bunny ears and red satin panties on, to dance for me on webcam. Or the wealthy CEO swimming in tons of money, who has explosive orgasms while we talk, exploiting the fact that he, indeed, has the smallest penis this side of the Mississippi.
I have a new boy who might come across to many as normal. He's employed, has a girlfriend, yet for some reason, gets incredibly turned on thinking about worshipping old women's feet. The crone, the sage, the wise woman of the tribe, with her bunions, calluses and cracked skin. Yes, this is what drives him to reaching for Me.
We choose lovers, partners for many reasons. Chemistry, intellect, their nurturing side. Perhaps a bit of stability and a desire for commitment. And we sometimes lay to rest other parts of our person, in order to accommodate these many other things. In the beginning of My work as Mistress, I struggled a bit with this. If a man reaches for Me, to share his erotic kink, while his wife is none the wiser, am I participating in some kind of emotional affair?
It took me a few months of pondering this conundrum to come to the conclusion that fits for me. What I've found over time is that when a man reaches for Me, to discuss a secret part of him that is rarely exposed to any other, it seems to keep solid the commitments he's made to his partner or wife. More often than not, they want to remain faithful to their love, yet need the pressure valve that a session with Me can provide. Someone nonjudgmental, who actually embraces and thrives in their dirty little secret.
And yes I have boundaries of what I will and won't discuss. And any commitments My clients have made are theirs to sort through. Just know there's a thinking woman on the other end of the phone. I take little parts of each of My slaves with Me, long after the session ends.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Desperate duds, blow their dough
I just had a fabulous session with a boy that started out innocently enough. I mean $3.99 a minute on my Financial Domination line is a good start yes? Some boys get so turned on when I start jacking up the rates and they end up paying so dearly...
Tonight, a doctor called me and we started getting him way fucked up. He downed shot after shot of vodka, and I made him call back several times. That last call, he paid $29.99 a minute, and talked for a good long spell... that was of *before* I made him slather Icy Hot on his deformed little dick! Towards the end, and over $400 later, he ended up in tears on the phone, the pain on his microscopic penis was just too much to bear!! I made him dunk it in ice water just for kicks!
I'm giggling now, just thinking about how I'm gonna blow that wad of cash!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday fresh
Lately I've been a bit mesmerized by a lava lamp I dusted off, and took out of the closet. Blue and yellow shades dancing together. It's a bit like watching an aquarium of fishies. Something very soothing to be found there!
Mistress did advanced interval step aerobics this morning and woo, lemme tell ya! I worked up quite a sweat! My arms were feeling the weight workout yesterday too. I like making my body stronger. Helps me hold the leash a bit more firmly!
Be talking with you soon my sweets!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Salacious Squatting
My recent pet has been bringing me many smiles, and more than a few sadistic giggles. I'll call this little one Stevie. He's a very well spoken boy who dresses up in long dark tresses, slutty shiny red and thigh high slut gear! A forced feminization feline, if I've ever known one!
He recently flew across the pond for a visit in the UK, and he couldn't stay away from Mistress Lily. Why should he? heheh!
He did exactly as ordered too, as we began our acquaintance with intense anal training. And while our sessions were pleasant, I just had this insatiable need to stretch this little lady's ass just THAT much more. 12 inch dildo, here she comes!!
He's been a good slut too, sending me the money from his whore outings, meeting men anonymously, and being used, tossed aside. His last date was a bit brutal, made her cry a little. Although for some reason, she seems to enjoy a little pain...
Little stevie grrl got down on her whored up legs, squatted so strongly over his new project, 12 inches of firm and fruity dildo power stuffed right up his anal backside!! This was new, I could tell from his many moans and sobs... and that slut took it ALL!! Just as commanded! And the girth on this newly purchased big boy would make any lady gasp!
She's on a research assignment presently, doing a little video viewing, then we have plans to continue her education. So many sluts, so little time...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wide open wallets, and husbands that suck...
Had a chat with a husky voiced husband tonight. On the road for work of course, wife nestled safe at home, while he earns his keep elsewhere. And for some reason, his wonderful wife, oh so straight and narrow, just hasn't had the inclination to ask her man if he'd like to do something a little wild...
Just between you and Me, this boy gets SO f*cking turned on thinking about his wife being very very bad... especially if it's a paid employee of his! I wove a fantasy about the gardener, or a contractor remodeling the house... and for some reason, it made his c*ck so HARD thinking about actually PAYING this boy to slide his wife his oh so big d*ck! Can you imagine the humiliation of coming home early one day to find your wife getting POUNDED by a well hung stud?
Oh but the best part is yet to come! I jacked up his phone rate per minute from $3.99, then $4.99... we got him up to $6.99, and drained his wallet GOOD!! All while telling him how he'd become my c*ck sucking bitch, and describing those sweet long fingers of mine, wrapping around my lover's meat, force feeding his wet moist mouth, and watching those sweet eyes of his bulge and water!!
Was feeling generous, did let this little one shoot his load, although made him say over and over, "I'm a c*ck sucking little bitch! I'm a c*ck sucking little whore!!"
That my friend, was a night well spent!
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mistress has been doing a bit of research on the court of Henry VIII, and rather enjoying the ride! As some of you know, I'm a cinema buff, and gain MUCH satisfaction from well made movies, series and the like. "The Tudors" from Showtime channel is a recent find.
The cast is stupendous, and if you've noticed, Anne Boleyn, played by Natalie Dormer, is a pitch perfect cast choice! There is so much circling out in the ether, fact mixed with myth, that sometimes it's hard to sort through the mix of who WAS this Boleyn girl. The original Anne Boleyn strikes Me as a perfect sensual Domme, someone I can learn much from studying. Other than that unfortunate ousting with axe to neck, of course.
An old friend of Mine, with a knack for knowledge (and a Bachelors in European Renaissance History) recently sent me the book, "The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn" (author Retha M. Warnicke, Cambridge press). Getting it started was a tad tedious, as the scholarly books tend to be, yet digging around one finds the gems.
Ms. Boleyn is one of those mythic beauties, in league with Helen of Troy, or Cleopatra. Women who were so longed for by powerful men, that their very existence changed history.
It's not every day a woman comes around that inspires an entire nation to oust the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. No small task, indeed!
There are so many mysteries to be had, shrouded in dark and light. I get this much closer to My own strength, by studying women who've walked their path, before I meandered along. Somehow, it deepens the texture of a spirit.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Calling all slavelettes!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Early morning whore
I've had a wonderful week. Even had a Florida banker who secretly wished to explore the land of dildo... but only when drunk and feeling particularly vulnerable. I have a feeling we'll be taking him to new horizons, very soon!
Jester boy came back for a visit, he's been missed, and very busy! My dedicated bois are such treasures to me. Happiest Valentines Day!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Play time
I needed the time off, and thank you to loyal slaves who had Mistress Lily withdrawals! I know it's been tough, my sweeties. I'll be available every day this weekend, so feel free to give Mistress a chat!
I'm sure you've been naughty, and you need to confess, don't you!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mistress in Absentia
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Night at the opera?
How often do you get to see a bi gal, having believable on screen sex, with both genders, in a somewhat mainstream movie? I kept my expectations in check (mindless fodder, Lily, mindless fodder!), and was very pleased with the result! I recommend it!
Justin Kirk just impresses the hell out of me, first in "Angels in America" (amazing acting!!!), and then "Weeds" (sometimes he "phones it in" on the series, but his charm overcomes this).
I just have this deep feeling Justin would make a fabulous tranny girl, don't you? He's one of those boys of undefined orientation, like Frankenfurter in "Rocky Horror Picture Show", that somehow attracts on BOTH gender levels. Masculine and feminine intertwined...
They even have a little conversation about BDSM and safe words that I rather liked :) Check the flick out, if you appreciate bi girls and bois, educated banter, and some sexy flesh fests!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thank you in pink...
I'm wrapping my mind around the new year that's here, thinking of things I'll accomplish here and there.
Perhaps one of these will be, capturing a new slave or two! Just received some very sweet gifts this past week from one of my fave boys, and can't wait to get the camera kit together! I promised him his own personal photo shoot, if he sent me this particular Amazon kit (tripod, camera case, extra batteries, USB card reader, etc.). I'm still deciding which outfit to wear, I have this sweet little see through pink panty and bra set that could be perfect...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Books, Bucks and Banshees

Today, I sat under my big picture window, reading, "Cleopatra (Life & Times)" by Prudence Jones (more on this in another post). It's overcast and blah outside. Go figure, Pacific Northwest weather this time of year, plenty of rain and gray.
Was thinking about a few slaves who've chatted me up recently. Michigan man, all of 6'7" and 270 lbs, called early this week. For being such a big boy, with a deep voice, he qualifies as an A-1 pervert!!! I honestly have NEVER heard another man make the noises this man makes, in the throws of passion (assisted of course, by his favorite dildo!). Think of, a banshee riding a roller coaster, on acid :) An enigma wrapped in a riddle. He continues to be a source of entertainment and awe! Whatever he brings me, I want more of it!!
Buck was back too this week. I'd been thinking of him and his idyllic situation with a partner who cuckolds him so sweetly. That deep southern voice, such a twang, and the way he weaves his stories about their escapades, makes me smile. I dare say even turns me on now and then...
As usual, I'm taking Wednesday off, will be back taking calls late Thursday/Friday. Looking forward to your dirty little secrets....
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Enticing a Mistress 101
One of my slaves gifted me with the book, "How to Capture a Mistress," written by Karen Martin (available at ) . I am so very satisfied by this book, and recommend it highly!
Her introduction says it well, and is a familiar feeling for me as a Mistress:
"... Men who have incredible needs write to me offering service, financial domination, relocation to places I have no interest in visiting, and long-term relationships usually by the second e-mail exchange, not understanding that what they have to offer is not what I need or want. Their approach is similar to bulk mailing. Men write many, many women in hopes of finding their one true mate, a Dominant lady who will fulfill their fantasies. "
The book is full of hot tips and pointers, the first being: "Don't confide in people who haven't revealed to you that they are kinky or kink friendly." We've all made that mistake once or twice yes?
I remember a masseuse that I really enjoyed visiting on a monthly basis. She moved my muscles in the sweetest manner, and I always left feeling smooth and relaxed. One particular hot summer day, I remember her massaging my back, and in the warmth and relaxation, I let my guard down, and shared that I sometimes had fantasies of dominance and submission (this was 12-15 years ago, when I was just discovering this side of me). I was so relaxed, and felt after a year of being her client, I could trust her.
Alas, a wrong move on my part - she lectured soundly, "Abuse is never okay!", and I found myself in the odd position of defending my murky fantasies, to a woman paid to relax my muscles. And, this particular day, she ended up doing just the opposite. I learned something valuable that day, and ended my client relationship with her.
Martin's book is a great read, and I strongly recommend it to submissive men who feel the need for encouragement, and pointers on approaching a FemDom. "How to Capture a Mistress" is published by The Nazca Plains Corporation, and can be purchased at this link to Amazon:
How to Capture a Mistress by Karen Martin
Kisses and ass slaps!